Geocoding API

The API gives the coordinates and full address information of the given address string.


The request URL should match the following pattern:

By default, the response is given in JSON (JSONP and XML are also available).

The HTTP GET request method is used.

Query parameters

The request consists of the following GET parameters:

Parameter Description Possible values
address Address or hash string. Mandatory, if address_code not used
address_code Address code. Mandatory, if address not used
limit Maximum number of returned results. From 1 to 25 (default value).
LVA Use it if the API should search only in Latvia.
result_data_type Output format. JSON is the default option.
  • json (default value)
  • jsonp
  • xml
callback Callback function Valid if result_data_type=jsonp.
historical Historical addreses If parameter not present search current addresses. If paremeter value is not present serch in historical addresses if cannot find current addresses. If parameter value is only return only historical addresses.
strict Strict search 1

Response parameters

The response consists of the following parameters.

Parameter Description
rank Rank of address.
gid Unique ID.
valsts Country name.
admin_vien Administrative unit.
terit_vien Territorial unit.
apdz_vieta Populated place (city, town or village)
iela Street name.
maja House name or number.
index Postal code.
korpuss Building block number.
x x-coordinate in the TM Baltic93 CRS (EPSG:25884).
y y-coordinate in the TM Baltic93 CRS (EPSG:25884).
address_hash Hash of address.
iso_code Country ISO code.
vzd_id Code of address.
lat Latitude coordinate in the WGS-84 projection (EPSG:4326).
lon Longitude coordinate in the WGS-84 projection (EPSG:4326).
adrese Full address.

Error codes

Status code Description
200 Wrong input data. Server can’t respond due to client error.
404 No location found. The URL is not recognized; the resource does not exist.
5xx Server error.




        "rank": "0.333333",
        "gid": "487606023",
        "valsts": "Latvija",
        "admin_vien": "Ventspils",
        "terit_vien": "Ventspils pilsēta",
        "apdz_vieta": "Ventspils",
        "iela": "Brīvības iela",
        "maja": "1A",
        "index": "LV-3601",
        "korpuss": "",
        "x": "354278.323000",
        "y": "6364308.441998",
        "address_hash": "cae33907edc0cdb37093b83db1bc14b8",
        "iso_code": "LVA",
        "vzd_id": "106279496",
        "lat": 57.398171,
        "lon": 21.574947,
        "adrese": "Brīvības iela 1A, Ventspils, Latvija"