Intersections API

The API returns coordinates of an intersection or intersections for two specified streets.


The request URL should match the following pattern:

The response is given in JSON.

The HTTP GET request method is used.

Query parameters

The request consists of the following GET parameters:

Parameter Description Possible values
cs CRS
  • wgs84 - Latitude and longitude in the WGS-84 projection (EPSG:4326).
  • lks - x- and y- coordinates in the TM Baltic93 CRS (EPSG:25884).
street1 Street
street2 Cross-street
pop_place Populated place for both streets

Response parameters

The response contains an object with the specified structure:

  • street1:
    • rank
    • id
    • name - street or road name
    • pop_place - populated place (city, town or village)
    • the_geom - geometry WKT
  • street2:
    • rank
    • id
    • name - street or road name
    • pop_place - populated place (city, town or village)
    • the_geom - geometry WKT
  • intersection - intersection coordinates

Error codes

Status code Description
400 Wrong input data. Server can’t respond due to client error.
404 No location found. The URL is not recognized; the resource does not exist.
5xx Server error.


Input: iela&street2=Plostu iela


    "street1": {
      "rank": "0.0991032",
      "id": "1000041977",
      "name": "Maskavas iela",
      "pop_place": "Rīga",
      "the_geom": "MULTILINESTRING((24.1104866192 56.9438138403,24.1107903116 56.9436833099,24.1110875794 56.9436381291,24.1116673638 56.943597186,24.1118337014 56.9435700872,24.1119149784 56.9435448316,24.1124154755 56.9433061663,24.1125805249 56.9432235498),(24.1137109631 56.9428470394,24.1135376247 56.9428972731,24.1133903623 56.9429399496,24.1127528769 56.9432266248,24.1125805249 56.9432235498),(24.1125805249 56.9432235498,24.1126184657 56.9431081194,24.1128287109 56.9429718587,24.1130709451 56.9428599912,24.1134536354 56.9427549746),(24.1134536354 56.9427549746,24.1137109631 56.9428470394) ... )"
    "street2": {
      "rank": "0.0991032",
      "id": "1000038280",
      "name": "Plostu iela",
      "pop_place": "Rīga",
      "the_geom": "MULTILINESTRING((24.1927643999 56.9042939774,24.1929001964 56.9043532268,24.1934447528 56.9045908199,24.1938741871 56.904777378,24.1949673963 56.90522486,24.1956978716 56.9054797537,24.1958236776 56.9054975236,24.1959005992 56.9054884189),(24.196486676 56.9058962556,24.1982216052 56.9066795853),(24.1991579964 56.9071452468,24.1983668598 56.9065895186))"
    "intersection": "POINT(24.192764 56.904294)"