Speed cameras

The speed cameras' API shows the location about existing speed cameras in Latvia and Estonia.


The request URL should match the following pattern:


The response is given in JSON.

The HTTP GET request method is used.

Query parameter

The request may have an additional GET parameter:

Parameter Description
cs Response CRS (wgs84 (default) or lks).

Response parameters

The response consists of the photo radar name, description (in Latvian) and type, and also returns the coordinates, in the GeoJSON format.

Parameter Description
name Name (in Latvian)
description Description (in Latvian).
type Type (fixed or mobile (potential locations)). S for fixed, P for mobile.

Error codes

Status code Description
404 No location found. The URL is not recognized; the resource does not exist.
5xx Server error.


  "type": "Feature",
  "geometry": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [
  "properties": {
    "name": "Parnust(Pallika kula)",
    "description": "Eesti, Halinga vald, Pallika küla, Kotka",
    "type": "S"
  "type": "Feature",
  "geometry": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [
  "properties": {
    "name": "Rīga, Brīvības gatve pretī ēkai Nr.363",
    "description": "Pilsētas maģistrālā iela. Posms, ko izmanto pilsētā iebraucošais/izbraucošais transports ar tendenci palielināt braukšanas ātrumu. Posms ar regulējamiem krustojumiem, blakusteritoriju pieslēgumiem, autobusa pieturu un gājēju pāreju. Augsta manevru intensitāte, gājēju un velosipēdu klātbūtne. Pagarināts posms starp luksoforiem attiecībā pret citu šīs ielas posmu garumiem. Posmā reģistrēts apjomīgs ceļu satiksmes negadījumu skaits.",
    "type": "S"